SketchUp App Reviews

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I lost 10$

The reason I bought this app was to stop printing my designs and bring iPad to build site instead. That specific use turned it to be impossible since the measurement are not shown in this app. Precise Measurements is the main reason I use sketch up. Also the app wont log in my google account. I suspect it was not tested with two factor passwords. This app is not ready for any real use except moving a 3d object with your fingers.

Sketchup App is a waste of money

I should have read the reviews first. I cannot open models that are emailed to me or in my Dropbox. I have been waiting for a Sketchup app to come along only to be disappointed within seconds of opening the app. The SightSpace app by Limitless computing is a much better app for viewing your Sketchup models on your iPad. Nice attempt Trimble. Maybe next time...... Sincerely, 10 year Sketchup User.


Do I want to load More than two hundred student sketchup exercises into the warehouse so that I can mark them on my iPad? No. Wastes my time and crods the warehouse with dross. Trimble use the $9.99 I wasted on this content driftnet, to give me a way to move sketchup files directly from my desktop to my iPad.

It Works!

I loaded a fairly complicated model, 25Mb, up to the 3D Warehouse, set privacy to Private. It took a bit of time for the 3D Warehouse to regurgitate it and send it to the iPad but when it did it looked very good. Basic views are provided plus my saved views, unfortunately the save views do not show the sections or visible layer only, just the complete model. Orbiting with one finger, panning with two fingers and zooming in with a pinch (which could be more fluid). For version 1.xx it is very good and deserves 5 stars, less 1 star for the zooming and it would be nice if the saved views could show the sections and layers as per the model, room for improvement. Note: to view your model it must be uploaded to 3D Warehouse, not Dropbox or another source.


A beta app at best, very limited usefulness. Embarrassing.

Needs ability to “open in"

I bout this on the road, and haven’t been able to get a model in .. yet. Just trying to load now in warehouse acct. This would have been good to know ahead of time. Better to be able to “Open in” from email, or access as well from dropbox, or even through iTunes. They have this at the end of web page,,, "Note that the SketchUp Mobile Viewer can only access models that have been uploaded to the 3D Warehouse. Integration with other cloud services or opening files locally on your iPad isnt available at this time.” I think I wasted $10 as to much work to use. I will screen capture and view instead. Great potential though

What a disappointment!

As mentioned earlier, beta at best. Only way to access your own content is through Google warehouse, it cannot open models via Dropbox or any other storage app or via mail as an attachment. The desktop version is so intuitive and helpful, this version is such a disappointing mess!

Its progress..still along way to go

Its great that Trimble now has an app for viewing models. Even though you can only see files you have uploaded to 3D warehouse its still better than other viewers that require exports. Id like to see the functionality of opening local store files. For example from and email. Another great feature which would make this app worth the price would me the ability to select your scenes. Using scenes to hide part of your models or enable a cross section would be extremely hand for presenting your ideas.

Locks up and quits upon import

Unfortunately both on my iPhone 5 and iPad 4 this app quits to home screen during the import of most of my files. I was only able to get one small SketchUp file to import. Perhaps there’s a polycount limit? file size limit? No dialog reported this, the app simply quits near the last stage of importing from Dropbox or using the "Open In…” dialog. I love what Trimble is trying to do, I just wish there was more quality control here and that this bug had been caught before release. I do hope for a fix soon; as it stands the entire app is of no use.


Absolutely terrible. !!! Cant even open a 1mb file. Try Sightspace, it at least opens files !!

Could love it more

Crashes iPhone 6 easily for me. Corrupted file? Maybe. Love SU but cant use this viewer right now.

Should have read the reviews for all versions...

Apparently this is app has not been functional for over a year and yet is still in the app store. Waste of $11.99 as it doesnt actually let you view sketchup files. Dishonest and outright robbery.

Crash all the time on iOS 9.0

Hope next update will fix the crashing.


This app have great potential but It keep crashing every time I open a file. Quite disappointing for a 12$ app.


Crashes when a model is opened e.g. The supplied example! Did anyone test this before release? Are you going to fix it? I would like to choose 0 stars, but sadly, that isnt an option.

Useful for presenting on the fly

Works great on my iPad pro. Delivers what it promises. Excellent resolution. Good for presentations and showing clients your work on the fly. Ive been a Sketchup user for ten years and use it everyday. I have migrated a huge chunk of my workflow onto the iPad pro now thanks to other apps like Concepts. I do hope that the team at Sketchup will consider developing a full version for the pro that takes advantage of gestures and the pencil. Thanks.

Simple and useful

Love the ease with which this app allows me to share with and give access to 3D models to colleagues with no CAD training.

No Dimensions!

This app is almost perfect. But without support for displaying dimensions its also almost useless for my needs. I was hoping to be able to take it into the shop and build based off my upload designs. But without dimensions thats next to impossible. I found sketch up community posts from September 2014 saying its a much requested feature but as of today (April 2016) this still has not been implemented.

No dimensions display

That app is absolutely useless without dimensions display !


Great to have access to drawings without having to bring along computer or have immediate wi-fi access.

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